How to Make a Ceramic Pan Non Stick?

How to Make a Ceramic Pan Non Stick Featured Image

Ceramic non-stick pans are a great addition to your kitchen. Along with being a convention, they make your cooking experience very easy. But they can lose their non-stick properties for different reasons.

However, you can make the ceramic pan no-sticky again with some simple tricks. In the following part, we've given a step-by-step process of making a ceramic pan non-sticky again with safety measures.

Let's get started.

How to Make a Ceramic Pan Non-stick Again?

There are several methods to bring the non-sticky nature of your ceramic pan again. Seasoning is a process through which you can create a layer on your pans. You can use oil for such layers- this will work better in non-stick pans. However, you have to season the pans when they lose non-stick properties.

Here's a step-by-step process for you:

Step One: Wash Your Pan

First, you must clean your ceramic pan. Whether it is a new or old pan, it's necessary to clean the pan. Also, you should clean all the clog-ups.

It would be best to use soap and warm water. But, the bicarbonate of soda or vinegar would also work great.

To do this, you will need:

  • Coldwater- 1 cup
  • Vinegar- ½ cup
  • Bicarb- 2 tb. Spoons

Make sure you mix all of these and place them on the hob. Then, let the pan heat properly for about 10 minutes. Finally, wash it and leave it to dry.

Step Two: Apply Oil to your Pan

Next, add a few oil drops to the pan. Some suggested oils are:

  • Sunflower
  • Grapeseed
  • Vegetable
  • Avocado
  • Peanut
  • Canola

It would be best to use oil with a high smoking point. So, try to avoid coconut oil, olive oil, flavored sprays, or butter.

Then, you must use your paper towel, sponge, or fingers to apply the oil evenly. If needed, you can use more oil to coat the surface.

Step Three: Heat your Pan

Later, start heating your pan slowly. You can do this in two methods, stovetop or oven method. Both of the ways are very effective for non-stick pans.


Put your stove at medium temperature and place the pan. This would start heating the oil slowly. If you hurry, you might ruin the process, as high heat won't work. After around 30 minutes, smoke will start coming. Then, you can turn off your stove.


You can use your oven if the ceramic pan is oven-safe. Just set the oven temperature to 150 degrees Celsius or 300-degree Fahrenheit. Also, you can change the temperature to anything in the medium range. Then, put your pan in the oven.

However, your oven needs to be convection or conventional. Steamer oven, toaster oven, or microwave oven barely has similar functions to those, so they won't work the same.

Step Four: Cool Down the Pan

Then, take your pan and cool it down. It's tough to handle a hot pan for beginners. Also, the pan needs to soak the oil properly, which requires time. However, avoid putting your pan in cold water or fridge because the pan will get ruined.

Step Five: Season Your Pan

After your pan cools down, you have to take a soft cloth or paper towel to wipe all the excess oil. In case you missed some spots on the pan, you can repeat these steps. However, if you follow the steps properly, there's no chance that you would leave out any space.

How Does a Ceramic Pan Lose Non-stick Coating?

Before you search for solutions, it's very important to find out the cause. You might keep them clean, but still, they would get damaged.

Here are a few reasons that might ruin your ceramic non-stick pan:

Sharp Objects

Whether it's a metal fork, spatula, or knife, you should avoid them using non-stick ceramic pans. You can carefully slide your utensils, but your pans will get damaged. So, it would be best to use wooden or rubber utensils on your ceramic non-stick pan while cooking.

High Temperature

Ceramic pans usually come with great non-stick properties. Though this cookware holds copper and aluminum bodies, you still should avoid high temperatures on them.

If you heat ceramic pans, their body tends to expand. Eventually, distortion occurs and makes your cookware damaged. Manufacturers usually suggest avoiding high temperatures on non-stick ceramic pans.

Therefore, using it at high temperatures can cause a ceramic pan to lose its non-stick coating.

Harsh Cleaning

Think about food burnt in ceramic pans. What would you do? Scrub it with steel wool? You should avoid this for definite reasons.

You should never use harsh cleaners, like utensils scourers, degreasers, or steel wool, on non-stick coated cookware. They would leave some imprints behind.

Also, you should avoid harsh cleaning detergents. They would slowly take off the ceramic and damage your non-stick pans.

Regular Use

You avoid all other aspects, but still, your ceramic pan got damaged? You're not alone in facing this problem. Most pans come with an expiry date, so they get damaged easily after that time.

When you use a non-stick pan regularly, you need to clean them daily. This would, obviously, affect your pans.

Not Adding Oil or Grease

When you add less oil, along with your health, your non-stick pans also stay safe. Your foods start getting stuck back when you use oil or grease. Eventually, your ceramic pan starts eroding. So, it would be best to use the least amount of oil or grease on your non-stick ceramic pans.

How Long Does a Ceramic Pan Non-stick Last?

Ceramic pans are popular because they last for many years. Ceramic, basically, comes from durable material. There are very few things that can damage or scratch ceramics. Therefore, they don't get ruined very fast.

On average, your ceramic pan will last around 10 to 15 years, but this depends on how you're keeping it. Make sure to avoid metal and high temperatures to make it durable.

To make it more durable, you should avoid metal things and temperatures above 350 degrees Fahrenheit on ceramic pans. Such actions could ruin the non-stick property wear out.

Final Verdict

By now, you know how to make a ceramic pan non-stick again. Though non-stick ceramic pans are stapled cookware for every household, they would get damaged when you start using them carelessly.

You can always recoat these non-stick pans whenever you need them. However, it would be best to follow the safety measures to avoid hassles. Now, you can experience the best cooking time with no hassle!

Happy cooking!