How to Refill Cooking Torch with Butane


If you are looking for a guide to refill your cooking torch safely, you are on the right place.

Kitchen torches are one of those luxuries to have as your cooking utensils that make baking so much easy. To make a crispy caramel topping over a smooth custard requires a simple touch with a hot flame. These torches are your way to use the long-lasting and high-intensity fire in cooking and baking.

Now, the cooking torch needs regular refilling of butane oil that lights the flame. Most butane is universal, that you can refile. 

Here is a simple guideline to help you refill your cooking torches with butane and maintaining cautions against any issues. However, if you are looking for the review read our article on best cooking torch.

Steps to Refill Cooking Torch with Butane 

Cooking torches are usually a butane torch that requires refilling after a particular time. It is refilled with butane oil, which generally flames the fire to use in baking.

Additionally, these torches can also be used in jewellery making, soldering, culinary, or welding. One of the best advantages of these torches is that they are portable. This suggests that you can carry it anywhere and easily use it for instant cooking.

While it may seem tough, refilling a cooking torch with butane is quite simple and straightforward. You get all the necessary equipment in hardware stores. However, the only thing you will need is a can of butane fuel.

As mentioned earlier, the canister can be bought in hardware stores as it is not included with the main torch kit. However, once you have the cooking torch and the butane fuel-can with you, the whole process of refilling is pretty straightforward and should not take much of your time.

You must follow the instructions and guidelines word by word while refilling the cooking torch.

One of the most critical tasks is to align the butane nozzle and torch so that there is no leak.

Furthermore, you must clean the old cooking torch before refilling. This precautionary activity will help to reduce any damage to the torch by getting rid of the air and fuel inside the torch.

Step 1: Turn Off the Burner and Gas Flow

Before everything, you must make sure to turn off the burner and gas flow. Also, to avoid triggering the ignition button should be locked, if possible.

Step 2: Insert Nozzle

The refill nozzle is usually at the bottom of the cooking torch. So, turn the torch upside down to find it. This nozzle is made of metal and is basically a tiny cylinder-shaped hole.

Step 3: Refueling Nozzle

Now, hold the butane fuel can on your hand and shake it properly. Then, remove the cap. After that, place the butane fuel can and torch nozzle in alignment.

Now, insert the tip into the nozzle and press it with pressure. Eventually, this pressure will automatically provoke a flow of the butane fuel from the can to the cooking torch.

Step 4: Remove the Nozzle

It will take a few seconds to fill the torch completely. How will you know it? Once the torch is almost full, the nozzle will start spreading a ‘hiss’ sound, and a little butane air will start coming out.

That is when you realize that the cooking torch has been refilled completely. When the torch is filled, remove the can from the nozzle and reattach the cap of the can immediately.

Step 5: Wait Five Minutes Before Using The Torch. 

Although your torch is ready to use, you may have to wait a bit longer. As another precaution, it is recommended to wait 3 to 4 minutes further to let the air settle down in the environment around the cooking torch.

After around 5 minutes, you can again fire the torch and continue cooking.

Safety Tips when Refilling Cooking Torch

In addition to the 5 step guideline, you should pay careful attention to some useful tips while refilling cooking torch.

  • First of all, it is highly recommended always to keep the cooking torch that you need to refill upside down so that any accidental air intake can be avoided.
  • Secondly, you can place the cooking torch inside the freezer for a few minutes before refilling. Surprisingly, this helps in accelerating the refueling process.
  • Thirdly, choose an open space away from the kitchen or any flammable to refill the torch. Moreover, make sure not to let the butane fuel slip away from the nozzle so that any ignition can be avoided.
  • Also, always play extra care for the last step of refilling. It is crucial to wait for 3 to 4 minutes before using the refueled cooking torch to avoid any flame-related danger.
  • Furthermore, choose triple to refine butane fuel cans to refill the cooking torch. These are the best qualities.
  • Subsequently, after the refill process is completed, the cooking torch may not light sometimes. You should try to adjust the screw or the knob to turn a quarter. Keep on repeating the adjustment procedure until flame comes out of the cooking torch.

The cooking torches are very delicate. As a result, they may break or deteriorate sooner than later. So, make sure to take good care of them by keeping them clean and away from flammables.


Finally, a cooking torch that is refilled with butane can be a bit dangerous as it is very flammable. So, read and follow the instructions with extreme care. You should never refill a cooking torch that is damaged or dusty.

You should also make sure that the torch has no leak or is not punctured before beginning the refilling process. Keep these away from children and make sure to follow the guidelines and tips provided to ensure the safest environment while refilling the cooking torch.


Cooking torches are very useful in day to day cooking and baking. It is not only handy but also a very popular kitchen utensil. This is precisely why anyone should know about refilling the cooking torches with butane.

The simple steps provided above can make the overall process easy and timely. In addition, following the tips will ensure that the best safety measures are taken for the refilling procedure. Your tummy certainly deserves the best foods. So, what better way to fulfil the desire than with a decadent dessert, with caramel topping made crispy by a cooking torch?